Saul WIlliams - he's been one of the most influential people on my life. Maybe this vid. will give you a little more inside info. He just did an album produced by NIN frontman Trent Reznor. He toured with the Mars Volta for a good long while. I had the pleasure to see him open up for them here in Dallas back when Gypsy Ballroom was still open. Please. SAUL WILLIAMS
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wanted! ... Or not!

Bazz Weazal ... some of our favorite dudes outta UK just put out another mixtape! and it effing crazy! Please check them out and show some love!
+ oldie but goodie! ... Bass Weazal - Break The Bomb
make sure to show luv @ beatport!
For sale: One life in China

Chen Xiao had pretty much given up making her own decisions and so decided to throw open her life to the whims of China's hundreds of millions of Internet users, known in China as netizens."It's your right to arrange Chen Xiao's life, and it's my obligation to serve you," read her online shop.Since December, Chen has been allowing others to decide what she will do each day, because, for the most part, last year was awful, she said.
Her hometown was hit by blizzards, her country rocked by a devastating earthquake, friends divorced and her clothing shop went bankrupt."Every time I had a plan for what I wanted my life to be like, nothing would come of it. It was very disappointing. I figured if other people came up with things for me to do, I might stumble upon something new and better."
What she stumbled upon was not only a new life but a new way to make a living. She charges about $3 an hour, and she's been asked to do almost everything from delivering pet food to caring for stray cats to taking a hot lunch to a homeless man.What surprised her the most was not so much the varied requests but being able to find happiness in the process."If somebody asks you to do something, something simple, and you do it, it can make you very happy.
You can change from a gloomy person to a very bright one. It can help give you a new sense of self-esteem," she said.So far, the most meaningful assignment she was given was attending a child's birth -- the father was a complete stranger who just wanted someone to take pictures and share the moment.
*via CurrentTV
Thursday, February 26, 2009
California to Legalize Marijuana?

* via
In 1996, California became the first start to legalize medical marijuana. As cash-strapped as the state is, all bets are off. Assembly Bill AB 390 would legalize, and tax, marijuana sales in California.
Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, introduced legislation Monday. If approved by the California Legislature and signed by the governor, it would effectively do what many have wanted: make pot the same as alcohol, in terms of legalities, anyway.
AB 390 has been endorsed by some law enforcement officials and would tax all pot sales at a rate of $50 per ounce.
At a news conference at the state building on Golden Gate Avenue in San Francisco, Ammiano said:
"With the state in the midst of an historic economic crisis, the move towards regulating and taxing marijuana is simply common sense. California has the opportunity to be the first state in the nation to enact a smart, responsible public policy for the control and regulation of marijuana."
Besides that, of course, it would add, according to Ammiano, $1.3 billion in tax revenue annually.
Ammiano added:
"We could in fact have the political will to do something, and certainly in the meantime this is a public policy call and I think it's worth the discussion. I think the outcome would be very healthy for California and California's economy."
Even if California were to pass this, federal law still prohibits marijuana use. That fact has gotten some medical marijuana users and growers into trouble, and AB 390 would just exacerbate that problem.
Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, introduced legislation Monday. If approved by the California Legislature and signed by the governor, it would effectively do what many have wanted: make pot the same as alcohol, in terms of legalities, anyway.
AB 390 has been endorsed by some law enforcement officials and would tax all pot sales at a rate of $50 per ounce.
At a news conference at the state building on Golden Gate Avenue in San Francisco, Ammiano said:
"With the state in the midst of an historic economic crisis, the move towards regulating and taxing marijuana is simply common sense. California has the opportunity to be the first state in the nation to enact a smart, responsible public policy for the control and regulation of marijuana."
Besides that, of course, it would add, according to Ammiano, $1.3 billion in tax revenue annually.
Ammiano added:
"We could in fact have the political will to do something, and certainly in the meantime this is a public policy call and I think it's worth the discussion. I think the outcome would be very healthy for California and California's economy."
Even if California were to pass this, federal law still prohibits marijuana use. That fact has gotten some medical marijuana users and growers into trouble, and AB 390 would just exacerbate that problem.
*** can't give my opinion on smoking because it would make me a target, lol but watch these next vids and give it a thought!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
one day

i really do believe it will look similar to that or maybe its spot on. Anyway, this is chalk art, not computer generated but actual chalk art. I have seen pretty amazing chalk art but this takes the cake. German artist Edgar Mueller is responsible for hell on earth.Check out more of his work.

i really do believe it will look similar to that or maybe its spot on. Anyway, this is chalk art, not computer generated but actual chalk art. I have seen pretty amazing chalk art but this takes the cake. German artist Edgar Mueller is responsible for hell on earth.Check out more of his work.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Straight outta England!

Some Scott Cooper yall!
From Chicago's Potty Mouth Kids Via England...
In the past 10 years, Cooper has honed his skills on the decks and in the studio, collaborating with artists such as Jak Z, and Balie funk MC Edu-K. Cooper's breakthrough "Hanging with Mr. Cooper '' released in early 2008 on Lee Mortimer's Wearhouse Music showcased his signature mix of electro, dancehall and breaks. The artist takes these influences even further with his forthcoming ''Natty Jack EP'' on Wearhouse, which includes remixes by Potty Mouth Music artists HiJack and Heavy Feet. This dude is MAD CRAZY! Please check out! "WAKING UP THE TOWN EP" Released February 18, 2009 via (Exclusive for 4 Weeks)
In the past 10 years, Cooper has honed his skills on the decks and in the studio, collaborating with artists such as Jak Z, and Balie funk MC Edu-K. Cooper's breakthrough "Hanging with Mr. Cooper '' released in early 2008 on Lee Mortimer's Wearhouse Music showcased his signature mix of electro, dancehall and breaks. The artist takes these influences even further with his forthcoming ''Natty Jack EP'' on Wearhouse, which includes remixes by Potty Mouth Music artists HiJack and Heavy Feet. This dude is MAD CRAZY! Please check out! "WAKING UP THE TOWN EP" Released February 18, 2009 via (Exclusive for 4 Weeks)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Master ... Herve!

HervĂ©’s inaugural mix compilation ‘Ghetto Bass’ just dropped on double CD and it features no less than thirty six tracks that include originals and remixes from his The Count of Monte Cristal moniker as well as the other alter egos of Action Man, Young Lovers, Dead Soul Brothers and Voodoo Chilli. Everyone by now should know who he is. He is resposible for the new sick wobbly sound of electro that everyone has been incorporating into their sound!
Please go buy it here! & enjoy this interview!
The Count & Herve - Jungle Steppers
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Want some Fries with that Barbie?


A new ad campaign by an organization called the Active Life Movement is relying on the paragons of impossible beauty to teach kids about the perils of obesity. Since toys like Barbie really encourage healthy body images and lifestyles….
The goal of the Active Life Movement is laudable—to encourage kids to be active and healthy—but this ad campaign is certainly not serving that goal. As Jezebel points out, toys like Barbie and Superman hardly have body types that kids should be striving for.
And the ads’ tag line—“Keep obesity away from your child”—is unnecessarily harsh, making it sound as if being overweight is a contagious disease. Being healthy does not necessarily mean being thin, just as being thin does not necessarily mean being healthy. I would hope that the epidemic of eating disorders among increasingly young kids has taught us that by now.
This ad is the visual equivalent of shouting at kids, “Don’t be fat! Be beautiful! Or else everyone will hate you!” Active Life Movement, I suggest sending your creative directors back to the drawing board.
*taken from
*ad from adfreak
Monday, February 16, 2009
Volta Overload

The Mars Volta - Wax Simulacra
Now - with that being said. The guitarist/leader of the band released a record on Stones Throw which in my opinion is one of the most accesible records this cat has put out to date. And the vinyl looks beautiful, Come on!

Omar Rodriguez-Lopez,
Stones Throw,
The Mars Volta
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Now that valentines day passed
so ... now that the day has passed tune into this. Maybe it'll make you think twice about getting roses or a diamond for you loved one.
Friday, February 13, 2009
The man ... Lee Mortimer!

You read right. Lee Mortimer - in my opinion. One of the dopest, most talented and innovative producers of the moment. He's been releasing stuff left and right! He was under Switch's record label Dubsided - and everyone and their mother knows that just ripped it all the way! of course he has his own label Warehouse Music that just keeps putting out some of the most sophisticated electro nowadays! Please Listen to his latest mix! and don't forget to check his material out @ beatport! give it up for LEE MORTIMER!
1. His Majesty Andre vs Jesse Rose - Touch My Girrrl (Lee Mortimer's Mash-Up) [Vatican House / Dubsided]
2. Calvertron vs Banga - Like Dat (Aspin & Dipace Remix) [Destination?]
3. Aniki - Evil Nugget (Van Villain's Pure Evil Remix) [Satan's Circus Records]
4. Lee Mortimer ft. MC Flipside - That Thing [CR2]
5. NASA - Money (The Count Remix) [Anti]
6. Kelevra - Like To Freak (DJ Bam Bam Remix) [Potty Mouth]
7. Jackinori - Get Ill [Venga]
8. Nic Sarno - Hot Jack 1 [ESP]
9. Dance Area - AA 24/7 [Phantasy]
10. Tim Healey ft TC - Out Of Control [Big Dirty]
11. Proxy - Raven [Turbo Recordings]
12. Digitalism - Home Zone (Proxy Remix) [Turbo Recordings]
13. MiKix The Cat - Trouble Maker [Trouble & Bass]
14. Radioclit - Secousse (Crookers Spino Mix) [Mental Groove]
15. Jak z & Scott Cooper - Move Ya Body (Tom EQ Remix) [Jengaa]
16. Format:B - Edding 850 [Highgrade Records]
17. Laidback Luke - Noize (Riva Starr Rechunk) [White]
18. Daniele Papini - Church Of Nonsense [Alchemy]
19. HiJack & Flinch - Dirty Soul [Jack Union]
The Real Experience
I'm a dj ... so I use records, cd's, tapes, blah blah blah .... Now even Serato is a must. But to be completely honest. I still love going to the records store and getting the actual vinyl - to me its pretty romantic (lol) to read all the little details that are hidden in the packaging and actual vinyl. but don't let me get any further ... Hear this guy out!
happy valentines day!!

This is 13-year-old Alfie Patten, his 15-year-old girlfriend Chantelle Steadman and their brand new baby girl Maisie Roxanne.
happy valentines day everyone...can you believe that s**t?!?!? seriously what are you doing having sex at 13 and 15??? the boy doesnt look older than 8 and hes a dad...
i blame our society ... all you see is sex sex sex everywhere...yet no one wants to talk about it. parents dont want their kids getting an education on it... & we've deviated away from the idea so bad that it's almost a taboo subject to talk about one of the most normal things that exist.
any way...i dont celebrate valentines day...but to all those who do...WEAR PROTECTION..unless you want a baby :)
happy valentines day everyone...can you believe that s**t?!?!? seriously what are you doing having sex at 13 and 15??? the boy doesnt look older than 8 and hes a dad...
i blame our society ... all you see is sex sex sex everywhere...yet no one wants to talk about it. parents dont want their kids getting an education on it... & we've deviated away from the idea so bad that it's almost a taboo subject to talk about one of the most normal things that exist.
any way...i dont celebrate valentines day...but to all those who do...WEAR PROTECTION..unless you want a baby :)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
See what drugs do?
So I am completely into Current TV at the moment. In my opinion it's the best TV I've ever seen. EVER! The coolest, dopest, most informative form of news I have ever come across. And don't let me forget ... funniest. While browsing through the website. Came across this ... Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman. The guy looks as if he took some high quality acid. Please take a look for yourself
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Pop goes the WEAZAL!

But we got support from these WEAZALZZZZZ!
Bass Weazal to be exact! These dudes are on fire at the moment! Straight out of the UK making big noise in the London electronic music scence. I was super stoked to hear back from these guys! They've been getting played and pumped by heavyweights such as Pete Tong & Lee Mortimer! And that's just to let you know they are a force to be reckoned with!
So they provided us with some traxx that I just can't wait for you to get your hands on!
Ladies & Gentleman! I give you Bass Weazal
PS. Please make sure to pay these guys full respect @ Beatport & Djdownload
mar.........the OTHER blogger
hello hello blogosphere..... im new to this thing.....but i love blogs, for me the purpose of a blog is to share ideas and cool things.. im interested in pretty much,music,festivals,movies,GOSSIP,you...your my posts will be all over the place like me..........heres a scoop of a mom.a wife.a badassssssss........the picture posted is from my trip to NEW YORK .. Brooklyn to be exact city should def try and take a trip out there sometime.........
music.cali.lay-a-way more could you ask for? This is definetly something you should try and head out too..there is no excuse why you shouldnt be roadtrippin to coachella......The tickets are offered on layaway..YES. i said LAY A WAY which means you dont have to pay it all at once.. price 269...... in three payments...
go buy your tickets.. ill be there
go buy your tickets.. ill be there
Getting a little electric on you ...

Anyone whos knows me knows that my inner electro self is waiting to bust out! ...
So what better way then to introduce ony of my good pals ... Noelle G!!
He is one the fastest rising talents in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.
And if you are into the nightlife around here then there's a big
chance that you have been dancing to his grooves!
He's opened for the likes of Eddie Hallwell to Above & Beyond! ...
There's no stopping for this guy right now! Catch him if you can!
So if you're in the Dallas area he will be:
@Shade w/Dorian Suarez & Francisco Javier Feb 19
@Slip Inn March 4
@Lizard Lounge w/Infected Mushroom March 7
meanwhile drown yourself in his new cd Todo Es Agua
Stones Throw kicks off Dilla Month

As a 1st post I couldn’t find anything better then a Madlib album. In case you don’t know who madlib is please run over to Stones Throw real quick.
Maldib has been making some of the finest hip-hop ever! His style is unique in the sense that … well? Nothing like it has been made before! His Beat Konducta series has been a bunch of instrumental tracks with his signature mind-bending samples all over it making it almost like a movie but in audio. It’s a whole trip!
And today he (& J Rocc) released Beat Konducta Vol. 5 -6 a tribute to J Dilla. Which in my opinion is some of the most unwordly mystical hip-hop ever released. Pay a tribute to the man an run over & get it now!
*edit* NPR did a spot on him please take a listen. -It's dilla month.
My (our) Intro

Hello there! My name is Bryan … Im a local dj in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and I go by B3.
I started this blog to give my friends and enemies something interesting to read. This is purely an opinion site and i hope to not hurt anyone’s feelings during our course here. Please feel free to comment on anything you’d like send me an e-mail, love letter, anything! Mar & Ralph are the other part of the team and they will be introducing themselves here in a few …
The guys and I will be posting up music we listen to, movies we watch, books we read, concerts we attend to, blah blah blah … you get the point. So we hope you save us under your favorites because you won’t be disappointed.
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